WPA Art Curriculum Websites

The following sites have incorporated the history of the WPA Federal Art Program into their school curriculums. Please let me know if you wish your own curriculum-oriented website included in this list.

Post Office Murals Special Interest Group (SIG)

Post Office Murals in Nebraska http://communitydisc.westside66.org/html/sigs/posters/listofmurals.html

Texas Post Office Murals http://communitydisc.westside66.org/html/colette/muralsSIG/Texas.html

Curriculum Tie-ins http://communitydisc.westside66.org/html/sigs/posters/waystouse.html

Participating Teachers and Their Plans
(Click on a teacher's name to view the unit that he/she has planned utilizing the post office murals)

The New Deal Art Project - Classroom Connection
Matthew R. Fidler, Rome City School District 112, East Thomas Street, Rome, New York 13440 - Ph 315-334-7400 Fax 315-334-7409 - email: mrfidler@syr.edu

The New Deal Art Project http://www.pioneeringpartners.org/pioneer.nsf/0/89eba55237fa249e852567f5004985b5?OpenDocument

Arkansas Post Office Mural Project http://www.uca.edu/divisions/academic/art/murals/homepage2.htm

EDSitement: Dust Bowl Days
Teach students about the Great Depression era through the ballads of Woody Guthrie, the novels of John Steinbeck, and Works Progress Administration (WPA) photographs.

Ellis Wilson: A High School Art Lesson
This model of an activity in which students create an original painting in response to the documentary about African American WPA artist "Ellis Wilson—So Much To Paint," by Kentucky Educational Television

Historic Art and Architecture in Highland Park Schools
A comprehensive site describing lesson plans linked to art in the Highland Park, IL schools.

The Great Depression and the Arts
A Unit of Study for Grades 8-12

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