New Deal/WPA Art in Torrington, Connecticut

These Post Office murals were funded by the Section of Fine Arts under the Treasury Department and not the WPA.

(This panel is located in the Post Office Mailbox Section)

Torrington, CT Post Office
"Episodes in the Life of John Brown" - oil on canvas
Arthur Covey (1937)

(The original location of the yoke mural in relation to the other murals is unknown)

(These two murals hang behind the customer counter)

The model for the mother (right panel) is rumored to be the artist, Arthur Covey
"in drag." - information from Jimmy Emerson

Images courtesy of the USPS

Reference Source:
Democratic Vistas: Post Offices and Public Art in the New Deal
by Marlene Park & Gerald E. Markowitz

Thanks to Jimmy Emerson who contributed the photographs!

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