OCTOBER 27, 1965

(This subject of this excerpt from the interview relates to Mrs. Increase Robinson)


VN: This is an interview with Dewey Albinson, Minneapolis painter. It's taking place on the 27th of October, 1965. And I'm here to talk with Mr. Albinson about his involvements with the WPA Art Projects during the Thirties and the Forties, and we hope to have our conversation recorded. We've had some very interesting conversations up to this point. I don't think we should have mike fright at this point so let's get back to this because you were talking about the way the artists met around in small groups in homes and . . . .

(later in the interview) -

VN: Yes. Now, were you ever involved with any of the competitions that the Federal Art Project sponsored? Much of the work was finally awarded by competition, you see, and judged and juried. I'm curious about whether you ever served on . . . ?

DA: Oh, some of these first funds . . . . I made a mural in the Cloquet Post Office . . . .

VN: You did! Well, I didn't . . . .

DA: "Lake Superior Yesterday and Today." I'll give you a photograph of it. I think I have . . . .

VN: Well, fine! Wonderful!

DA: And that was made . . . Forbes Watson had full charge of that. Oh! Here's what happened: There was an Increase Robinson, Mrs. Robinson of Chicago. She was supposed to be the regional supervisor for this project. She came out here and a little clique monopolized her and they didn't invite, oh, any number of the artists here. She notified some group that she wanted to meet the artists here. And I finally got word from Washington that I should submit a design or two for her as a project for a mural. So I sent a drawing to her in Chicago and I got it back that I was completely off the beam. It wasn't what they had in mind at all. They wanted Americana or something. The American scene was then the cult. So I just smiled and forgot about it. And then a little later when a commission came through, I submitted the same thing to Washington and it was accepted. So that's the mural for the Cloquet Post Office.

VN: I see.

DA: I really chuckle over that one.

VN: Oh, indeed. If at first you don't succeed . . . .

DA: Well, this gal in Chicago had an idea I had to do American, the American scene, or something; I don't know what she had in mind. It had to be social conscious.

VN: Yes. Yes.

DA: That was the big issue at the time.

VN: That was. This is the time of social consciousness in art.

(This excerpt is quoted verbatim from the on-line transcript at the Archives of American Art site - copyright AAA)

The following museums have Dewey Albinson collections:

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