Lincoln Elementary School
910 Forest
Evanston, Illinois
According to government records, there are four works of New Deal art at Lincoln School:
3 sculptured wood panels done by Peterpaul Ott, originally installed in the hallway.
"Lincolnmania" by Otto E. Hake: a series of five oil on canvas murals done in 1936, measuring 8'1" x 7'1"; 8'1" x 7'2"; 8'1" x 2'8"; 8'1" x 3'8"; 8'1" x 9'4". pdf photo (1.31. MB) of murals (from Art Institute of Chicago photo WPA collection)
"In a Steel Mill" by William S. Schwartz: oil painting in a painted wood frame.
"Small Children's Activites"
by Unknown; one panel of oil on canvas painting done in 1937.